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Združenje za vajeništvo EAfA je 23. septembra 2024 objavilo intervju s Tadejem Gartnerjem, ki koordinira naloge v povezavi s članstvom ŠC Škofja Loka v združenju. Tema intervjuja je sodelovanje med ŠC Škofja Loka in združenjem EAfA na področju vajeništva.

V članku je objavljena tudi izjava našega dijaka Bineta Peternelja, 4. Ns, ki je bil v Nemčiji na trimesečni mednarodni izmenjavi – praksi v okviru programa Erasmus+. Predstavitev prakse v podjetju Mercedes Schade GmbH pa bo združenju predstavil tudi v okviru dogodka ErasmusDays 2024.

Izjavo so dali tudi dijaki Miha Gartnar (nekdanji dijak 5. Ms), Andrej Bozhinovski (nekdanji dijak 3. Do) in Matevž Košir (vajenec in trenutno dijak 5. Ms)

Dijakom se za sodelovanje iskreno zahvaljujemo, žal pa so zaradi pomanjkanja prostora objavili le eno izjavo. Ostale izjave si lahko preberete v tem pripsevku.

Zahvala gre tudi vodstvu ŠC Škofja Loka za nasvete in komentarje glede vsebine članka.

Članek je bil objavljen v rubriki EAfA member Spotlight.

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My name is Andrej Bozhinovski, a former apprentice of toolmaking at Šolski center Škofja Loka, the Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering.  In my last year (Jan. – Apr. 2021) I participated in the Eramus+ programme – ErasmusPRO long-term mobility that took place in Slovakia. I and my schoolmate were living in town Žilina, northern Slovakia. We attended practical work in the company called PresSK s.r.o., where we did field work. Every day we were on different location where we assembled and fixed different machines for cutting wood. We learned a lot about our profession as toolmakers and also a lot about the Slovakian culture. In our three-month VET mobility, we also learned the basics of the Slovakian language. I would recommend to future generations to attend the ErasmusPRO mobility if they want to gain new professional skills, knowledge, competences and learn about different cultures and make friends while doing VET abroad. It was a great opportunity and a great experience that taught us a lot of things.

Orodjarja na prakso ErasmusPro v Pres SK na Slovaškem pošilja Mebor d. o. o. | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

I, Miha Gartnar, a former apprentice – a toolmaker at SC Škofja Loka, the Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering, had the opportunity to gain practical experience as part of my education in the programme of mechanical engineering. My internship took place at the company Motor Jikov in Sobeslav, Czech Republic, from January to March 2020 and again in October 2021 due to covid-19. This internship was organized by my school, Šolski center Škofja Loka, in cooperation with our partner school SPŠ Tabor and the company. During my time in the Czech Republic, I gained valuable technical knowledge related to my field, enhancing my skills in machinery and engineering processes.

Working in a foreign country had a significant impact on my personal development. I learned basic Czech, which improved my communication skills, and I adapted to a new work environment, making me more independent and responsible. This experience also strengthened my sense of diligence and taught me the importance of attention to detail in my work. It helped me become more self-reliant, able to handle challenges on my own, and take responsibility for my tasks.

For future generations, I highly recommend taking advantage of such opportunities. Not only will you gain practical knowledge and experience, but you will also grow as an individual, learning to be adaptable and confident in new situations. It is a chance to broaden your horizons, both professionally and personally.

Prva vajenca na dolgotrajni praksi ErasmusPro na Češkem | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

Prekinitev PIU mobilnosti na Češkem zaradi pandemije COVID-19 | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

Vrnitev na Češko po letu in pol | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

Podelitev certifikatov Europass ob vrnitvi s prakse na Češkem | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

My name is Matevž Košir, a former apprentice – a toolmaker from SC Škofja Loka, the Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering. In 2022, I took up a practical training opportunity – VET mobility within the Erasmus+ programme. The training took place in the Czech Republic, with the time spent there I also learned basics of the Czech language. I was fortunate enough to work at Motor Jikov. The company’s location was in Sobeslav, but I was situated in Tabor, a town only twenty minutes away.

This experience was significant for my career development. I wanted to learn about the manufacturing industry which interested me the most. My VET involved various tasks and responsibilities. I worked and collaborated with skilled professionals in the field. The team welcomed me warmly from the start and that is how I got used to it very fast which I did not expect. I gained valuable insights into production processes. My communication and teamwork skills improved greatly and have set me for the future. I also learned about the company’s innovative technologies. The work environment was dynamic and engaging, I participated in team meetings and projects. My supervisors provided guidance and support to the very end, and I am very grateful. I faced challenges, but they were learning opportunities and stepping stones for what is to come. Overall, the experience was enriching and fulfilling.

I recommend VET mobility also to future generations. I built connections with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and I returned home with new skills and experiences. A truly unforgettable experience.


ErasmusPro: Dijaka iz 3.Č na dolgotrajni praksi na Češkem | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

ErasmusPro: Dijaka že teden dni na praksi v podjetju Motor Jikov a.s. | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

ErasmusPro: obiskali smo vajence na praksi v podjetju Motor Jikov | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

ErasmusPro: Na obisku pri dijakih vajencih v podjetju Motor Jikov | Šolski center Škofja Loka (

ErasmusPro: Alex in Matevž sta uspešno zaključila prakso na Češkem | Šolski center Škofja Loka (
